Our Projects

Child care

We help to reduce a number of children stunted from malnutrition since 2013, including leading advocacy efforts for the community to reducing stunting among and increased number of children by 2025 We transform the way health care is delivered in the country and reach places by pioneering programs that treat children close to home, so they receive lifesaving care before it’s too late.

Feeding hungry people

Hunger impacts one out of every nine people on earth and one in four of the world’s children are stunted due to malnutrition. To address this Allone Mumyuka Foundation provides food assistance to its children and poor families, strengthens socio-economic conditions to improve standards of living and the ability of families to provide for their children, and provides youth with the skills and linkages they need to earn and manage decent income.

Hunger also keeps children out of school and limits their ability to concentrate once in school.


Your support is an investment in the future, helping disadvantaged kids stay in school and complete their education. When you make a gift to our education programs, you provide the resources and opportunities children and youth need, from kindergarten through high school, and beyond. University and vocational scholarships College or vocational education serves as the catalyst that can help families and communities pull themselves out of generational poverty.

By helping children go to school, they are in such a better position to take advantage of opportunities and find employment in the future.

Skills training

This project help provide a lifeline of hope for a womn struggling to support her children. You’ll supply job skills and business training so she can make a good living in a job like weaving, jewelry-making, baking,craft shows making, tailoring

The Young Women’s Economic Empowerment Program helps create economic opportunities for young women between the ages of 18 and 32 to become economically self-sufficient. The women in this program are able to build confidence and learn useful vocational skills. Allone Mumyuka provides a safe and supportive space for them to develop their business ventures.

Nutrition and Agriculture

This helps us the organization to grow food through training our children which will help us to feed children and communities. Food is produced through agriculture, A much greater impact on nutrition can be achieved by shifting the main focus to increasing the variety of nutrient-rich foods produced and consumed by smallholder farm families.

The primary goal for this project is to provide food for the orphanage, with secondary goals for supporting the communities through employment and food production.

Health and Water

Infants and young children are especially susceptible to diseases because their immune systems are experiencing everything for the first time. Even in developed countries, lots of moms boil water before giving it to their children - just to be doubly safe. In poor countries, the fuel for the fire can be so expensive that mothers can't afford to boil water and cook food.

we're working with local communities to provide access to safe water where children live. A water project, like a new well or bore hole and water purifiers, can transform a child's life.

How to Support


Sponsor a child today and be part of his or her lif story. Many children are still waiting for sponsors here at Allone Mumyuka Foundation.

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Our plan is to build a leading school to educate many of the these less previllaged children and the many in the regions beyond.

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Send a gift to a child in Allone Mumyuka Foundationd and bring a smile to his or her face. Many children grow up to the age of 15 when they have never received a gift.

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We plan to build a permanent home for the children under AMF care, It will act as a rehabilitation center for these children where they will be raised on a christian foundation.

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